
This is the first Blog of my life, and what did I choose to write about?  Depression. This is indeed a negative start, but I'd prefer to talk about the most important topic first. 

Currently, there are more than 264 million recorded cases of people suffering from depression worldwide. [acc to WHO]. It is prevalent among people of all ages and more women are affected by depression than men. Depression can lead to Suicide. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the age group 15-29.

What is Depression?

A  lot of people misunderstand the term "depression". They often confuse it with "depressive feelings". Having depressive feelings is something really normal and common. Depressive feelings can be feeling lonely, empty, restless, apathetic, sad, etc. These vary from person to person. Depressive feelings may lead to a loss in interest in favorite activities or food, etc. Depressive feelings may also include doing self-harm or having suicidal thoughts. You would be surprised to know that these feelings are really common and almost everyone experiences them at least once in their lives. But this is not suffering from depression. 

Depression is more like having these depressive feelings continuously for prolonged periods of time which is at least 2 months. 

Depression is not a joke.  It is a mental illness. The term depression is not a synonym to depressive feelings. The actual name of this illness is Major Depressive Disorder.

What does depression actually feel like?

"Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how beautiful the world is"

It is hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it. Major Depressive Disorder feels like having an emptiness, a hole in the heart. It's a feeling which disturbs your everyday activities. Depression feels like drowning in plain air. It's like losing all hope in life, and the hardest thing to believe is that things can get better. Depression disrupts one's relationships with others and even self. People suffering from depression have 0 self-esteem. The sleep pattern is disturbed. A depressed person may sleep a lot or may not be able to sleep at all! Depressed people may either lose their appetite or binge eat as a coping mechanism. Trust me, having depressive feelings is normal. But imagine experiencing all the above-mentioned feelings continuously for 6 months or a year or even longer. Depression feels like hell.

What are the visible symptoms of depression?
These symptoms below are helpful in identifying depression in people you know. I will only talk about symptoms visible to the outside world. These can only be identified by people who are well aware of the person's natural state and know this person well, like likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc.  Take care that having these symptoms only for a prolonged period can be called depression. Otherwise, it's just feeling sad which in the long term is healthy and perfectly normal.
  • Appetite and weight changes: Significant sudden weight gain and weight loss caused due to food as a coping mechanism or losing appetite respectively.
  • Insomnia: People may experience difficulty in falling asleep. They may wake up early and then not be able to sleep. 
  • Aggressiveness:  Increase in violent behavior and constantly feeling irritated and agitated, having low tolerance and short temper.
  • Loss of ability to concentrate: Not being able to remember things, or not able to focus, etc. 
  • Reckless and Impulsive behavior: Indulging self in reckless sports, fights, reckless driving, drug abuse.
  • Loss of interest in physical intimacy.
Risk factors that make you vulnerable to depression
  • Loneliness or Isolation: Bring isolated, living alone, having no one to talk to or share feelings with, etc increases the risk of depression
  • Relationship Problems: Having marital or other relationship problems with close friends or family members. 
  • Major life changes: Losing job, change of school, divorce, etc invite depressive feelings.
  • Chronic illness: Hopelessness is the main cause of depression. Having no hope that you can get better can lead to depression. 
  • Childhood trauma: childhood trauma, abuse, or bullying can make you more susceptible to a number of future health conditions, including depression.
  • Runs in family: a history of depression in the family is a contributing factor. 
  • Alcohol or drug abuse: Many people use alcohol or drugs as a means of self-medicating their moods or cope with stress or difficult emotions.
Depression and suicide

Depression leads to suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the age group 15-29. If you suspect someone is suffering from depression, look out for the following signs of suicidal thoughts or behavior: 

  • Reckless behavior can lead to major injury or even death, like reckless driving or crossing roads without looking for traffic, etc
  • Talking about killing self, or self-harm, or actually doing self-harm like slitting wrists or other body parts.
  • Expressing strong feelings of hopelessness or being trapped.
  • Getting pending things done like making peace in old conflicts, completing promises, fulfilling wishes of loved ones, giving away prized possessions, etc.
  • A sudden switch from feeling depressed to feeling calm and happy.

How to feel better
  • Reach out to people. Talk to friends, family, anyone you trust. Just express yourself, express how you feel and what you feel. Talk to anyone who is a good listener. And if you are reading this article for some loved one, be a good listener. 
  • Stay busy. Get a hobby. Listen to music, dance, do exercise.
  • Get a pet! Take care of it. Trust me it always works.It kicks away feelings of loneliness and isolation. Gets you involved.

  • Seek professional help. Take therapy, counseling. Visit a clinical psychologist or counselor. Mental health is as important as physical health and depression:mental health :: cancer : physical health. Do not ignore your mental health. Depressive feelings can also be relieved using medication but this is a short term solution and it has its own side effects.


  1. It's really impressive way to explain the difference between depressive feelings and depression. One should be very careful about self and loved ones regarding the are also a good blogger. Writing blog for the first time is not indicated with the maturity in the way of explanation. Ups and downs a re the part of life but one should not risk its life rather should share the depressive feelings with someone really close and understanding. This is a nice way of yours to explain the sensitive issue with data.. you are a multitalented personality. Good going.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Blessings from my side..๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Very sensitive and meaningful information and a very impressive way of explaination. Surprised to find such a mature way of explaination at such an early age. May God bless you always.


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